Music: I Shall Not Want (Single) by Channing Gillespie

After several years of touring as a musician with various Christian artists, "I Shall Not Want" is the first release from Channing Gillespie's upcoming debut EP, "This Night Won't Last Forever." Gillespie's desire to write songs of hope amidst the sorrow is a common thread throughout the project.

Gillespie has a deep desire to meet people in their deepest sorrow. "More now than ever, we need songs that aren't afraid to step down into the sorrow and sadness of our lives," Gillespie says. For Gillespie, the last year and a half to two years has been one of the hardest seasons he and his family have walked through. Gillespie says that many of these songs were written for his wife and family during a season of loss. Gillespie's wife, Jessica, has lost three family members in a two year period. He says that, "We needed these songs. They have walked closely with us through our grief."

Hinged upon Psalm 23, "I Shall Not Want" is a fresh, energetic declaration of trust in the Lord - even in the midst of the valley. May it be a reminder that the Lord has always been faithful.


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